Acute Care Common Stem (ACCS) is a two year training programme.
It is the only Core training programme for trainees wishing to enter Higher Specialty Training in Emergency Medicine (EM) and is an alternative Core training programme for trainees wishing to enter Higher Specialty Training in Anaesthesia (Ana) and any of the Specialties listed on the JRCPTB website.
The first two years are spent rotating through Emergency Medicine (EM), Internal Medicine (IM), Anaesthetics (ANA) and Intensive Care Medicine (ICM).
The order of the placements will depend on your parent speciality.
The third year and beyond is spent in training of your speciality.
EM training is run through.
IM and ANA trainees will need to reapply for higher training after they have completed years 3 and 4.
See ICACCST for more information on ACCS training
Latest ACCS News and Updates

Kier Hardie Trauma Day 29th Jan 2025
Join us at Keir Hardie University Health Park for a day focused on the trauma patient. The team that works together should train together. This day is open to all

Letter to AWSEM Trainees from HEIW (Teaching Days)
Please see the following letter addressed to all AWSEM trainees on behalf of HEIW. The content of which relates to teaching day sign up and process

HEIW Generic Curriculum Teaching Days
Have a look a the following link to sign up for HEIW Generic Curriculum Teaching Days
Curriculum Resources
Click on the images and links below to learn your curricula requirements for Teaching, QI, and Critical Appraisal during ACCS
ACCS Contacts
Dr John Hounsell, Acute Medicine Physician, POW Bridgend, currently covering Caroline Burford’s parental leave
Hello, I’m Natalie Mincher, the Wales Anaesthetics lead for ACCS training. I’ve been a consultant anaesthetist in Aneurin Bevan UHB since 2019 and work between the Royal Gwent and Grange University Hospital Sites.
Originally from Fareham in Hampshire, I trained at Cardiff University and completed all of my postgraduate training here in Wales. My clinical interests are head and neck surgery and perioperative medicine. I am also the trust lead for bariatrics. My non clinical interests are much more fun and involve keeping bees and being a terrible runner!
In this role I would like to help make all ACCS trainees as much a part if the anaesthetic family as those in core training. As ACCS trainees become a larger proportion of the intake into anaesthetic training it is vital that they are represented well. Furthermore for trainees going on to careers in ITU, emergency medicine and internal medicine; I want to make your journey through your anaesthetic placements as rewarding and useful as it can be, and I look forward to having you all as future multispeciality colleagues.
Sonia Sathe, POW Bridgend. Sonia.sathe@wales.nhs.uk
- Wrexham Hospital Lead: Ash.basu@wales.nhs.uk
- Morriston Hospital Lead: Nathan Tweed, Consultant Anaesthetist Nathan.tweed@wales.nhs.uk
- UHW Hospital Lead: Duncan.thomas@wales.nhs.uk
- Grange Hospital Lead: Natalie.Mincher@wales.nhs.uk
- POW Lead: Craig.planello@wales.nhs.uk
- PCH Hospital Lead: Lucy.Cunnane@wales.nhs.uk
- Bangor Hospital Lead: Alison.Ingham@wales.nhs.uk
Useful Resources
Induction 2024
Induction 2023
– ACCS Emergency Medicine
– ACCS Anaesthetics
– ACCS Intensive Care Medicine
Previous ACCS induction Resourcess
Making the most of your time in ICM (consultant) -Dr Scott Bradburn
Making the most of your time in Medicine (consultant) – Dr Caroline Burford
Making the most of your time in EM (consultant) – Dr Craig Planello
Overview of the ACCS curriculum – Dr Craig Planello
Critical Appraisal – Dr Ryan Hobbs
ACCS induction overview – Dr Ella Harrison Hansley
ACCS induction overview – Dr Ella Harrison Hansley-1
Making the most of Acute Medicine (trainee) – Dr Marc Franklin
Making the most of Anaesthetics & ICU (trainee) – Dr Katy Talbot
See the Regional Teaching Programme and find events which are for ACCS trainees.
Apply for study leave ASAP
Trainees must aim to attend >70% of regional teaching days each year
The ACCS specialities host individual suites of examinations.
Trainees can find out more information via their college websites…
The ACCS specialities use different portfolios to record progress.
Trainees can find out more information via their college websites…
Check out the ACCS Handbook with overview of training in Wales
Find attached letter of support from Tom Lawson, HEIW Dean and Head of School Dr Ash Basu to all the Health Boards regarding EDT.