Expenses for Trainees in Wales
As an emergency medicine trainee in Wales, you will be expected to rotate between a number of hospitals in order to gain a range of experiences in different centres. This provides a valuable training experience with many hospitals within a small geographical area. Many trainees will choose to relocate and live nearer their current training hospital but others may wish to stay and commute.
The Welsh training programme offers relocation expenses to cover the extra financial burden of commuting or relocating up to a total of £3700/academic year. This is claimed through NHS Wales Shared Services Partnership (NWSSP). Items available to be claimed depend on your circumstances.
- If you move home, you can claim for relocation expenses.
- If you don’t move home, you can claim for excess travel.
In order to make a claim for relocation costs i.e rent allowance, stamp duty, legal fees etc you will need to complete this application form.
If you need make a new application to claim for excess travel expenses please ensure you complete this application form.
These forms need to be completed using an NHS computer or via your work NHS email to log in.
Upon completion of the above forms, you will receive an account from the expenses team. There is often a delay due to a high volume of requests.
Once set up, you are ready to submit claims via www.sel-expenses.com
You can only claim for the previous 3 months of expenses unless exceptional circumstances are considered.
Expenses but be submitted by the 5th of each month in order to be paid on the 21st.
It is recommended to keep your details up to date via the above application forms to ensure ongoing claims between training years. You will not have to provide your new hospital rotation as this will be updated from Intrepid automatically.
Contact Details:
Payroll Customer Support Team
02920 903908 and choose the expenses option for your health board
Lines open: Mon-Thu 8.30am – 4.30pm / Fri 8.30am – 4.00pm
HEIW are now able to offer limited virtual appointments, dates will be added on a weekly basis please use the link below to book a Teams session.
Virtual Appointment 1:1 session to discuss individual issues with expenses, how to make a claim, etc
Other Training Expenses
There are many other expenses for doctors in the UK, which quickly add up to a substantial sum: GMC registration, indemnity, BMA, RCEM fees and many more. A number of these are eligible for a tax rebate. Previously this has been difficult to organise but is now relatively straight forward. We recommend Medics Money who provide a useful step by step guide for claiming your own tax rebate. This can be backdated for the last 4 years, so don’t miss out. Complete the form on their website to download your guide.
If you are looking for a comprehensive financial services by professional who are familiar with the complexities of medical training, Medics Money can help you find a local accountant, Independent Financial Advisor or Independent Mortgage Advisor for free.
This is not a sponsored partnership but a recommendation from using their services.