Curriculum info
- PEM sub-speciality trainees should have a specific curriculum on their portfolio- if it has not appeared email
- If you have a duplication of the same curriculum on your portfolio please email ePortfolio team to remove one of the versions so that you are only linking to 1 version
- Can I link evidence from old curriculum (e.g I did an US guided fascia iliaca block in a post before this new curriculum commenced)? Answer was to ask ES to review this evidence and comment on this on the ESR. No need to redo things you have already done.
- As a higher trainee transitioning between curriculums, do I need to pull through evidence from old curriculum? No, there is no requirement to do this. You and your ES can view this evidence from previous curriculum and comment on it in ESR. However, remember that you do need to continue to use these skills and feel competent to do this for the rest of your career, so it is good to evidence ongoing ability to do this skill e.g by use of logbook, reflection on indications to undertake a skill and decision making about when it is indicated, review of how to perform the skill and how to lead a team when such a skill is required.
There will be some pieces of evidence that you really do want to pull through into your new portfolio platform e.g rare and amazing case/skill and that is ok to but not a requirement for every single piece of evidence.
Link for resources to help you evidence the skills in SLO 6 RCEM-Curriculum-SLO6-Skills-resources.pdf (
- Generic SLO 11
How do I address the requirement for research and critical appraisal? Answer was to review generic SLO appendix which includes suggestions. RCEM Generic Specialty Learning Outcomes V.5 ( Also journal clubs in different units, hoping to make more accessible for all
Watch this space- each health board will be producing a handbook on how to access resources locally e.g journal club, procedure lists, anaesthetic lists
- Take a look at the ESR form on the downloadable documents under resources section of curriculum website- this is the new educational supervisor report which replaces the previous paper structured training report. This is now a form that the ES can open and your ES can start to populate at the beginning of the year and save in draft and then update/refresh with new graphs just before ARCP. This is the nearest thing that you and your ES will have that represents the old ARCP checklist and can help guide your PDP throughout the year.
- No specific numbers for USS or annual maintenance of airway skills- there are indicative numbers but these are not absolute and it is a competency based assessment between you and trainer- everyone will be different
- If you have passed the QI exam there is no need redo this, however the message from RCEM is that you should be developing your QI skills and undertaking ongoing activity in this area throughout your career. No desire to overburden trainees to repeat things they have already done but want to give the impression that it is a life long learning which we need to continue to use and develop in our careers.
- There is a section on portfolio called FAQ on top of dashboard including commonly asked questions about how to do things on the portfolio
- Life support courses are no longer mandatory- however you may decide that undertaking one is the easiest way to demonstrate and learn these skills. There will be other ways to do this too.
- If you want to upload a compliment you can create a folder and upload a document on to your ePortfolio
- If your trainer incorrectly assigns an entrustment level by accident then you can email portfolio team and cc ES asking for the scale to be amended. They will check with ES that this is the case and can amend the scale