A key element of being an EM specialist is the ability to use research evidence to drive improvement in patient care.
The GMC requires EM doctors to: critically appraise medical literature, synthesise evidence, communicate key findings, and use research to develop patient care.
Assessment of CA
CA Resources
Assessment of CA
The RCEM 2021 curriculum introduced SLO 10 – ‘Participate in Research and Manage Data Appropriately’
SLO 10 is assessed throughout all stages of training (see SLO 10 for key capabilities) and is no longer a ‘stand alone’ examination.
Evidence of SLO 10:
- Each year trainees must upload an ‘Applied Critical Appraisal Form’ (ACAF) to their eportfolio prior to ARCP.
- Present posters and papers at a local, regional, or national conference.
- Present research findings in departmental meetings.
- Participation in Journal Clubs using the bespoke ‘Journal Club Presentation Form’ found in the eportfolio.
SLO 10 will be assessed formatively in the MRCEM and FRCEM SBAs and the FRCEM OSCE.
CA Resources
- Cardiff University Critical Appraisal Lecture series and e-Learning modules
- RCEM e-learning CA modules and questions
- FOAMed podcasts related to CA
AWSEM has two open journal clubs anyone is free to attend
- GUH Journal club (see link in news section)
- Cymru Informal Trainee Critical Appraisal and Tea (CITCAT)