LTFT training is supported and very compatible with the rota structure of Emergency Medicine. All trainees are eligible to apply for LTFT training and applications have been granted for a number of reasons including: care responsibilities, international sport commitments, and non-medical development.
For a comprehensive overview about LTFT in Wales including application forms, process, and the LTFT handbook visit the HEIW LTFT webpage or the AWSEM Less Than Full Time Training: A Guide.
If you are considering LTFT please contact:
– Katy Guy: AWSEM LTFT lead at
– Tracey Shellard: Wales Deanery LTFT Officer at
Please note that LTFT applications must be submitted 4 months prior to start date.
You will be required to complete a training plan with your department and LTFT Lead, which will then be submitted to the Wales Deanery for approval.

Parental / Adoption Leave
For information regarding Parental/Adoption leave and pay please contact:
Katy Guy: AWSEM LTFT/Parental Leave lead at
You must notify your employer 15 weeks before the Expected Date of Delivery (EDD) and tell them…
- Your intention to take maternity leave
- The date you wish to start maternity leave
- Your intention to return to the NHS for a minimum of 3 months after leave
- Give them a MATB1 form
You must notify your employer 8 weeks prior to maternity/adoption leave
The MATB1 form is provided at 20 weeks by a Midwife and needs to be shown to:
- Your Employer to calculate Statutory Maternity Pay
- Your Human Resource department to calculate Statutory Maternity Pay
- RCEM to freeze your training number and fees
- Medical Indemnity to freeze membership and reimburse fees already paid
- GMC to freeze membership and reduce fees
Paternity Leave
If you’re a father-to-be or the partner of someone who is pregnant (including same-sex partner) you are entitled to the following:
2 weeks paid Paternity Leave (Ordinary Maternity Support) in 1 block from time of birth/adoption. You need to give 28 days notice.
Additional Maternity Support from 20 weeks following birth/adoption if your partner has returned back to work. See NHS employers for eligibility criteria.
Shared Parental Leave
You may be eligible to share parental leave 2 weeks after birth/adoption.
This means up to 50 weeks of leave and 37 weeks of pay can be shared.
You do not have to take all of your Shared Parental Leave at the same time.
You can take Shared Parental Leave in up to 3 blocks and return to work in between.
See NHS employers for eligibility criteria and information.
There are 2 types of Maternity Pay:
- Occupational Maternity Pay (OMP): You require 12 months of continuous service by the 11th week prior to your EDD, and you intend to return to work for the NHS for a minimum of 3 months.
- Statutory Maternity Pay (SMP): You require 26 weeks of continuous NHS service by the 15th week prior to your EDD.
Maternity pay is calculated on your average earnings for the 8 weeks prior to and including the 15th week before EDD. Your maternity pay will be calculated based upon your last two monthly payslips, which will then be equated to a total annual earnings, this will then be divided by 52 (number of weeks in the year) to calculate your average weekly earnings.
If you qualify for both SMP & OMP you will receive:
- 8 weeks full pay
- Next 18 weeks half pay + SMP
- Next 13 weeks of flat rate SMP (currently £151/week)
- Next 13 weeks no pay
If you qualify for OMP only you will receive:
- 6 weeks full Pay
- Next 33 weeks of flat rate SMP (currently £151/week)
- Next 13 weeks no pay
- Your employment terms (eg. pension contributions) are protected while you’re on Statutory Maternity Leave.
- Childcare Vouchers: Both parents may be entitled to sacrifice a portion of pre-tax salary to pay for childcare vouchers. These can then be used to pay anyone registered as a childcare professional (nursery/pre-school/childminder) who look after your child(ren). Go to childcare vouchers for more information.
- Free prescriptions and Dental care for pregnant women. Ask your Midwife for an ‘FW8’ form, you’ll be sent a maternity exemption certificate (MATEX) that lasts for 12 months after EDD.
- Employees are entitled to take up to 10 paid working days during their leave. Conditions and terms must be agreed locally.
- Life Support Courses are a good way to maintain clinical skills. You may still be entitled to study leave funding.
- You can attend specialty training days particularly near your return date to catch up with trainees and get up to speed.
Things to do before you return:
- Provide 28 days of notice if you wish to return to work before expected return date.
- Meet with the LTFT Lead Katy Guy.
Meet with your Educational Supervisor before you return to discuss:
- Any additional needs you may have
- What capacity you wish to return to in the rota (including a potential supernumerary period if required)
- Any departmental changes that have taken place in your absence
- A department orientation session if required
Return to Work Courses
These are held biannually by the Department of Anaesthesia in Cardiff and Vale. Contact Katy Guy (LTFT Lead) for more details.
Further support and information can be found on the HEIW website.
Please see the following websites for further information:
NHS Employers Handbook Section 15