LTFT/Parental Leave


LTFT training is supported and very compatible with the rota structure of Emergency Medicine. All trainees are eligible to apply for LTFT training and applications have been granted for a number of reasons including: care responsibilities, international sport commitments, and non-medical development.

For a comprehensive overview about LTFT in Wales including application forms, process, and the LTFT handbook visit the HEIW LTFT webpage or the AWSEM Less Than Full Time Training: A Guide.

If you are considering LTFT please contact:

Katy Guy: AWSEM LTFT lead at


Tracey Shellard: Wales Deanery LTFT Officer at

Please note that LTFT applications must be submitted 4 months prior to start date.

You will be required to complete a training plan with your department and LTFT Lead, which will then be submitted to the Wales Deanery for approval.

Parental / Adoption Leave

For information regarding Parental/Adoption leave and pay please contact:

Katy Guy: AWSEM  LTFT/Parental Leave lead at

Please see the following websites for further information:

NHS Employers Handbook Section 15


UK Gov website

BMA information 

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