Grange University Hospital is a state of the art new build and the ED hosts 8 resus spaces, 27 spaces in the majors area, separate children’s emergency assessment area set in beautiful Gwent countryside. There is a pre-hospital service run by the ED that operates 9-5 seven days a week. There are 4 minor injury units on the Aneurin Bevan footprint that are run by ENPs but our rotas ensure that all doctors rotate out to the MIUs to gain their minor injury experience with senior supervision (consultant or associate specialist) for training. There is consultant cover on the shopfloor 7 days a week from 8am to midnight with non-resident cover on call and specific consultant cover in our children’s emergency assessment unit 0800-1630 Monday to Friday with doctors allocated to this area to ensure paediatric exposure. There is a rich educational programme with protected teaching sessions and regular governance meetings including M&M (or A&A (awesome and amazing) as we prefer) meetings, safety meetings, trauma meetings, joint ITU meetings, journal clubs.
Aneurin Bevan EDs have always been renowned for their interesting pathology, complex patients and their ethos of hard work, focus on training and above all team work. This has continued into the new GUH ED as we settle in and continue to develop our service, making it a great place to work!
Services in the hospital – Medicine, emergency general surgery, trauma, ITU, theatres, max fax, ENT, paeds, cardiology with primary PCI until 5pm
- Dr Alastair Richards (Clinical Director)
- Dr Jane Gwilliam (Associate Dean, HEIW)
- Dr Rhian Farquharson (Training Programme Director)
- Dr Sally Jones (AWSEM Leadership Lead)
- Mr Nirmal James (AWSEM QI Lead)
- Mr Ashok Vaghela (AWSEM PDSU Lead)
- Dr Rob Stafford (Speciality Tutor)
- Dr Tim Rogerson
- Dr Ed Valentine
- Mr Michael Jose
- Mr Naresh Thirumalai
- Dr Ryan Hobbs
- Dr Lynne Sutton
- Dr Ellie Lewis
- Dr Owain Chandler
- Dr Greg Cranston
- Dr Kosta Morley
- Dr Cerys Griffiths
- Dr Anzar Shah (Associate Specialist)
- Dr Ceri Spencer
- Dr Alanna Watkins
- Dr Jonty Curry
- Dr Laura Owen
- Dr Clare Powell
- Dr Helen Sharkey
Consultant cover 8am-midnight 7 days a week. Paeds consultant cover 10-6
Middle grade rota 24 hours
Rostered SPA for all doctors at all levels
- 15 trainees
- 6 speciality doctors
- 2 PHEM clinical fellow posts
- GPs in portfolio posts
- 6 training juniors
- 5 junior clinical fellows
- 9 FY2s
- 5 ACPs
- 3 PAs
Katie Jenkins is rota coordinator –